Sunday 13 February 2011

Cupcakes and Kalashnikovs- Why I want a Wife

What is satire?
Satire is the use of ridicule and sarcasm to expose vise and folly. There are several examples in the article "Why I want a Wife". One of which is when she is using a women's job, "... I was ironing", losing time for her needs/interests etc.

How is satire used in the text "Why I want a Wife?"
In the article "Why I want a Wife", the use of satire has been used several times throughout the text. One of which is at the beginning of the article, where the use of women's jobs is used to begin the idea of why she wants a wife. This can be seen when she says, "... I was ironing one evening..." The reason behind this is to give emphasis on the ideal wife that she wants, as she mentions towards the end of the article "... more suitable as a wife than the wife I already have..." In these two quotes the use of personal pronoun has been used, which shows her own feelings, needs of having a wife. A satire is used in this quotation as a use of ridicule, meaning what she is doing at the time of writing about wanting a wife, the job is associated with a women's job in the home.

Why is it used and to what effect?
The reason why Judy Syfers has used a satire is to begin her article. She has started by showing what she does in her spare/all the time. In this case, ironing, however, as she describes her ideal wife, one of the roles she said they must do for her is the ironing. Maybe because she is bored/tired of having to do the ironing all all the time, so she adds it to one of her commands when describing a wife. The effect of doing this, is to give reasons as to why she wants to have a wife, as she used a wide range of personal pronoun in each sentence. She talks about her friend needing a wife, so this could show the importance and the impact of having a wife, as she desires for herself and being one sided, as she says, "I want a wife who will not demand..." Again the use of personal pronoun and modal verb "will", which is a way of commanding and ruling what she wants the wife to do and not do.

1 comment:

  1. www a good attempt to analyse the methods used by the writer and address the questions, some use of terminology.

    ebi you are not yet developing your arguments in a convincing and irrefutable way, this requires more control over sentence structure and keeping the comments you make shorter and more incisive.
