Wednesday 26 January 2011

Cupcakes and Kalashnikovs

Imagined interview between a modern journalist and a suffragette exploring what they experienced and drawing on the two texts you have to read.

Modern journalist: What happened over 150 years ago in Britain, had a major impact on our lives today. Women such as Sylvia Pankhurst, whom is best known for her committed and successful struggle to win the vote for women. We will be interviewing a suffragette and what she experienced. What did you experience from this?
Suffragette: What I experienced from this suffragette was danger and suffering for months, that changed the world. Many people can remember and still remember today, that the biggest change that suffragette's did was changing women's lives. Women like me, brought change to the history of women. It made women have the right to vote.
Modern journalist: How did you decide to follow what Sylvia Pankurst did? What made you put your own life in danger?
Suffragette: Well, I was very upset by the lack of choice and freedom women had and the male dominance over women. Seeing Sylvia putting her own life in danger for us women, made me become a suffragette, and do the same thing as she did.
Modern journalist: Did you suffer from dangerous things during this time?
Suffragette: Many of the things I did to change women's role, was dangerous, one of which was not eating and drinking for 30 days. My weight was decreasing, but I did not stop, but continued.
Modern jounalist: Thank you for your co-operation.

The interview between the journalist and suffragette is set out in a script, this shows turn taking and adjacency pairs. The reason for this is to have the interviewer asking the suffragette about her experience in the time. The topic is about the suffragette's from 150 years and exploring her experience. The audience that it is applied to, are women today, to let them know about the lives of women , 150 years ago. I chose to give views about the reason for becoming a suffragette in such way, to link it back to the artical, which was written at the time of suffragette.


  1. www well done Lania, a good effort to engage with the style of an interview and try to make the tow voices distinct.

    ebi this was not an easy task and the real difficulty is ensuring that the two voices are consistent with the characters you are creating. In addition, you MUST get details regarding dates and events more accurate. The suffragette movement was mostly the early part of the 20th century in other words 100 years ago NOT 150 and the two articles provide many other details about both the philosophy behind the movement and the experience of being force fed which could have been used more explicitly.

  2. WWW
    Used a lot of context in piece
    Confident writing for the participants

    Used more adjectives for the Suffragette's feelings

  3. WWW: good use of language to engage the audience. It was clear cut and fluent.
    -Band 3

    EBI: you asked more than one question to really show the feelings of the Suffragette and what she went through.

  4. WWW
    - Good reference to source material
    - Good use of literary techniques

    - Double check grammar

    - 16/25
