Monday 23 May 2011

Cupcakes and Kalashnikovs-speech-

Dear parents,

We are here today to keep our children away from 'stranger danger'. As you know, we live in a society where children can travel with the permission of their parents, but careful thinking needs to be put in by you, when giving permission to your children. Parents who do not take full responsibilities could face a tragedy, just like Holly and Jessica. Children need to be taught to be careful, after the murder of Holly and Jessica and many more murder cases that have gripped the nation in recent years.

You need to teach your children to be careful of who they talk to, because nobody knows what can happen if they speak to someone they don't know. Tell them not to answer because I know you don't want to lose them.

You also have to question yourself, do I want my child to go missing and later find it in bushes or in a back garden? What is there I can do to prevent this from happening? Is there a solution?
These questions will be a start for every parent and will wake those who are less responsible.
Lets together, make it safer for our children, lets make sure they are taught to be careful. To stop another horror story that has stalked us for years...

The beginning of the speech begins with 'dear parents', this is useed to address the audience (who it is for). The use of rehtorical questions have been used several times, the three questions build on from eachother, this is used to make the audience (parents) think about it. The use of pronoun 'you' is used to direct the audience what to do and how to teach their children to be careful. In addition to that, the use of collective pronoun 'Lets together' is used to make the parents feel that we will be there for them and we will all work together to teach children to be careful. The text has also been used in this speech, 'to stop another horror story...' This is used to make the speech more powerful.

Thursday 19 May 2011

Cupcakes and Kalashnikovs- On the murder of James Bulger

Monsters or children? This is what two young boys have been called. Venables and Thomson are those boys who killed an innocent little boy named James Bulger.
These two boys are best friends, same age, same school. These two planned the heartbraking murder of James. They took the live of a young boy (2 years old). They will regret everything because NOW their lives will never be the same again. They will be known by every individual as monsters not children.
Monsters not children for the shocking death of a boy who had no idea his life will end so soon. Monsters for not thinking about the consequences of killing James.
Once they were caught, they were questionned one by one. During the investigation, Thomas was being more deviant to outwit the police, but they found he was behind this murder. Through the help of Venables parents, he confessed it was them who had planned to murder James. He (told by Venables) was enouaged by Thomson to kill little James.
Venables described the process, "taking off the trainers and socks..."
With the help of Venables, the investigators found the truth (Thomson plan), as they suspected before, when Robert Thomson was asked if he had stolen battries (before the murder), but he denied it. However, when the body was found...

At the beginning of the voiceover, I questioned the audience by the given title of the recast task, this is to engage the audience to continue watching the TV documentary and it is eyecatching. I used the repetition of the word 'monsters' to emphasise the meaning of the word and to show how serious it is. Throughout the voiceover, I explained it in detail, this is to inform the mass audience.

Wednesday 11 May 2011

Cupcakes and Kalashnikovs- Diary entry

Dear diary,

I can still remember "Boss, Boss I didn't do nothing... don't burn me Boss..." from the frightening and horrific night. I can still imagine the way they dragged him, I wish I could do something to stop it!
They said he touched a women, how old was she I asked eagerly. They said 40-50 and she would scare you if you look at her. Hyacinth is only 16, why would he do that?
But these men didn't care about that, all they cared about was themselves.
She says she got raped when they asked her, but that is unbelievable and I do not believe her.

I saw when he was surrounded by men, he had his hands tied and there was a rope around his waist. They were dragging him... but, his legs curled under him, as if it was stopping him from going.
I could see in his eyes he was an innocent and trustworthy boy, unfortunatly these people who were doing this to him were heartless and had no empathy.
He begged them to stop, but that was no good. They did not listen to him.

I prayed and prayed they would not kill him, however he snapped from the back of the car. Hung suspensed, on the rope. They killed him...
They didn't stop at that point as I saw a man going towards Hyacinth's dead body with a torch and then I knew he was soacked in kerosene (the drinks the two men offered us in the car). So the flames licked at his feet and shooted up as soon as the man put it near him.

I am still thinking about the way he was killed, the way his neck loosened when he was hung up and the smell of the burning human.

I wish I could've helped...


At the beginning of this diary entry, I used the text (when the boy was begging), this is to say that Joe still remembers what Hyacinth said and what his last words were.
I used a simile to describe how he was trying to stop them from hagging him, "as if he was..." This is to say that his legs were controlling him, his feet were dragged, but it tired to reject it.
I used first person pronoun 'I', this is to make it personal (from Joe's point of view), these included his regrets and thoughts he was feeling at the time.
I used the text (as asked), to get relevant things from it, then I applied them to the diray entry, this is to show that Joe remembered every detail about the hangging and burning of Hyacinth.